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What is Meditation?

“Meditation is Throwing Away False Mind!”

There are many types of meditation in this world. But what is the state of mind you truly desire? We just live following the patterns of the mind we’ve created, laughing and crying, feeling good and bad, like a hamster on a wheel. We seek a peaceful and calm mind, but these feelings are temporary and personal. What is the eternal, unchanging, and living mind? It is the universe, the truth. 

Humans are incomplete because they live inside their self-made mind world that overlaps the world. This is karma, habits, and body.

If you throw away the karma, habits, and body, which is the incomplete world and the self, go to the real existence of Truth, and are reborn, that land is the real existent world which is Truth. It is the land where you can live eternally without death. You must go to this land while you are alive and live forever.

If there is something you do not know, you can learn it by going to a place that knows it. Just like that, to learn how to live forever, you can come here and learn. Now you can go to the Land of Truth while you are alive and live an eternal, happy life.

Is there anyone who wouldn’t do this? Let’s Find the Truth within and Live in the Land of Truth within!

How to meditate

Everyone knows meditation is good but what is meditation exactly? We teach the beginners what is true meaning of meditation and support the advanced members to meditate consistently and stay in the true mind.

1. Reflect on Yourself

Recall the remembered thoughts and images of life in your mind. Realize where all your stress and burdens are coming from and increase your self-awareness 

Meditation is throwing away false mind. Cleanse your mind.

2. Cleanse Your Mind

As you become aware of your habits and attachments, your perspective widens. See and throw away from the perspective of the Universe using the guided visualization technique.

Meditation is throwing away false mind. Discover the truth

3. Discover the peace

As you train your brain to realize that the illusion is not real, you will begin to realize the Truth which is the Universe that is existing within you. 

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